Wednesday, 17 June 2009


What is the difference between an Internet user and a television viewer?

An Internet user is someone who is able to fall into an active audience due to them now being able to produce their own content rather than just watching and hearing that of others, this can lead to them producing user generated content in which they will be able to gain more knowledge and information based on what they see and hear on the Internet and also learn about other people's ideas and opinions. However, this is where the saying "don't believe everything you see online" comes into context as people may end up believing something which has been fabricated in order to gain the audience's attention.

This differs from the definition of a television viewer. A television viewer is someone who is able to know that the information of which they see and hear on TV is believable content, therefore leading to them falling into the passive audience as a result of them taking each bit of information in its stride and believing it for what it is. Due to television viewers not being able to be the producers of the media in this essence it is more likely that they will go along with what they see and hear as they know that the information is coming from professionals who aim to inform their audiences of the truth.

Are people more active online?

I believe that people are more active online, as a result of them now being able to produce their own content rather than just consuming the content. Websites such as YouTube, and Facebook enable people to interact with one another further than they would be able to if they were just watching the TV. As well as this, we are also able to decide what we want to watch, and listen to rather than being forced to watch and listen to one specific thing on the TV. As a whole I believe that people are more active online as a result of them being able to feel as though they play a part in the production of the Internet due to them being able to share their own ideas and opinions.

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